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YOU CAN DO IT! – Independent and active citizens in environmental protection

YOU CAN DO IT! – Independent and active citizens in environmental protection

Dear visitors to our website, We present the publication YOU CAN DO IT! – Independent and active citizens in environmental protection with the aim of encouraging...

1263 citizens’ reports to Green Phones in Croatia!

1263 citizens’ reports to Green Phones in Croatia!

072 123 456 is the number of the Green Phone, the service through which citizens across Croatia can report various environmental issues and make suggestions, while...

Action of waste removing from Kupa river

Action of waste removing from Kupa river

As a part of a project „Partnerships for environment: Developing Public and Civil Environment Protection Capacities in Croatia through practise of Green Phone...

Greetings to winter!
International Volunteer Camp is going on!
New project – activities
Irregularities in the environmental impact assessment for a “System of flood protection, 1st phase – MHE Brodrarci “- another case for the Court?
The new project presentation
New project