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Participatory Budgeting


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Title of the action: Participatory Budgeting: Citizens’ Subnational Budget Watch

Duration: 25.12.2014. – 25.12.2016. (24 months)

Budget: 225.336,38

Financial support: IPA 2011, Reinforcing Support of CSOs’ in Enhancing Transparency and Good Governance in Croatian Public Administration; National Programme for Croatia under the IPA – Transition Assistance and Institution Building Component for 2011

Project partners: Association Green Istria, Idem i ja ��� Centar za zdravo odrastanje, The Citizens Foundation – Reykjavik, Iceland and Environmental association Pan – Karlovac

Project Associates: Institute of Public Finance, GONG

Overall objective: To increase budget transparency and promote principles of good governance among public administration

Specific objectives:

  1. To strengthen capacities and skills of CSOs to perform subnational budget watch;
  2. To enhance cooperation between CSOs and local authorities regarding subnational budget cycles;
  3. To raise awareness on citizens’ rights to participate in budget cycles and involve them in budget watch

Main activities:

  • two 1,5 day seminars for CSOs on budget watch and e- participation tools;
  • creation of the e-participatory budgeting websites;
  • implementation of participatory budgeting pilot projects in Pula, Mali Lošinj and Karlovac;
  • production of the Citizens’ Budget Guide;
  • assistance for CSOs and citizens on budget cycles and the e-tool;
  • promotion of the participatory budgeting in targeted Counties;
  • 1,5 day workshop on practical experiences of CSOs engaged in pilot projects;
  • production of the report on participatory budgeting pilot projects;
  • production of recommendations for improving public participation in shaping subnational budgets;
  • organization of a final national conference on participatory budgeting (EU and Croatian best practice will be presented);
  • work with media

Estimated results:

  • strengthened CSOs’ capacities and skills for subnational budget watch;
  •  introduction of innovative e-tools for participatory budgeting;
  •  enhanced cooperation CSOs – public finance experts – local authorities;
  •  increased public awareness on participatory budgeting and participation in subnational budget processes;
  •  more transparent governance and increased citizens’ trust in local governments;
  •  increased number of CSOs demanding more transparent and participative budget cycles;
  •  reduced potential for budget- related corruption